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80% of advisers use Diamond Ratings as part of their selection criteria*

As a completely independent and unbiased assessment, Diamond Ratings are an easy way to understand where a fund, fund range or model portfolio (MPS) sits in the market.

This helps Asset Managers communicate the quality of their proposition versus their competition – to internal and external audiences. And makes it easier for advisers to segment the propositions available for their clients. Turning data into bright investment decisions.

*Defaqto research 2021

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Clear and consistent scoring approach

We use a robust and transparent scoring method to assess both quality and performance.

  • Our experts use quantitative and qualitative criteria to provide an unbiased assessment.
  • Our simple scale of 1 to 5 easily identifies where a fund or fund/MPS family sits in terms of performance (adjusted for risk), and competitiveness in areas like cost, scale and access. 
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More visibility

  • Because Diamond Ratings are a simple, visual way to communicate a proposition’s quality, it’s easy to see where it sits in the market, and to segment the propositions available.
  • Diamond Ratings are available within Defaqto Engage, which makes it easy to research the market and compare funds and fund/MPS families.
F14 website

Assessments you can trust

  • Our independent assessments cover the whole market – funds and MPS families, as well as the fund universe.
  • 67% of advisers use Diamond Ratings as an easy way to communicate a proposition’s quality and performance directly to their clients.
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Perfect for panels

Our ratings are well known amongst advisers, and Diamond Ratings are frequently used as the basis for selecting panels using our Engage platform.

Our range of Diamond Ratings

View the full list of our Diamond rated risk focused and risk targeted families:


We also rate:

  • Multi-asset funds
  • Active single asset funds
  • Passive single asset funds
  • ETFs
  • Investment Trusts (multi and single-asset)
  • Workplace default funds
F10 website

Partnering with us

Working with Defaqto brings you more than just market-leading products and data. Our world-class service means you’ll also enjoy access to our expertise and ongoing support. 

Our insight experts are always happy to discuss the product and industry landscape as it relates to your own business. While personalised training options for you and your staff are available to help you get the most out of our services. 

"I consider all aspects of performance, cost etc, but the Diamond Rating can help decide between two very similar funds "
Financial Adviser Defaqto research 2021
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What can we do for you?

Call us today on 01844 295 546 or email and let's start a conversation.

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